Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fun times, happy faces, local places. We start with a wedding, ending with Christmas!

John and Sarah's wedding.

Christmas at Disney World.

Kennedy Space Center. Erik had alot to grin about!

Caroling on my back porch. Wonderful time!

Christmas Eve happy faces.
Christmas happy face morning!
Christmas Day gals and guys.

Remember: happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong.


  1. happy new year!! your grandbabies are getting so big :) Miss you guys

  2. Susan what a great job! These pictures, memories, smiles....laughs and reflection of what it is like to be a granparent! You had a blast having fun with them! GREAT family you have...and glad to be a apart of your life! Keep it up....check on it tomorrow!

  3. Sue, Great collage of pictures of all the many events of the last months. I love how you put such great completely insightful titles to them all.... It was a "month" wasn't it! :)
