Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things I have been thinking about

A Beth Moore Bible study called Breaking Free has caused me to go on a journey in my past, present and future. Most excellent study. I have a Latin background and my latest bookmark is reflecting this. I truly miss my dad Miguel Angel. I can still see his love reflected in his eyes...
I want: to know God and believe Him, glorify God, find satisfaction in God, experience God's peace and enjoy God's presence. Don't you?

Spring is finally springing, the birds are singing and I have been a little restless lately. Yearning to find a mountain path to follow.

Learning how to live in God's trust thru twists and turns of our lives is the most difficult challenge we face. (from "He loves me!" by Wayne Jacobson.)

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you are a true blessing to all who are around you. Your sweet and gentle spirit is an inspiration. You will find that path in your journey.....just stay steadfast to obtaining it. That is what we all have to do I guess through the "twists" and "turns in our lives.....just keep back on the straight and narrow...and remember, everything happens for a reason and purpose...and you are in the journey for a purpose. You may not know the purpose but there is one!
