Monday, April 25, 2011

And so it was.....

Another Easter has been celebrated with much gusto and kinship! As my family gathers to celebrate our Savior, the chaotic happenings of the hour, preparing, blessing, eating, missing loved ones, egg hiding, picture taking (take a breath), at the final hour, I can say "it is finished!"

My thot process ramdomly picks out favorite "moments" of tradition. Brown-sugared ham with company potatoes, green bean casserole and sweet potatoes. Spicey rice salad and a large green salad. Yum!

Jello eggs, apple pie, carrott cake with a side of oreo cake too. Singing happy birthday to April babies (heehee) before the blessing! Sleepy-head napping on the couch! THANK YOU family for helping me enjoy the day!

My Easter bunnies minus Erik and Isak!

The hunt is on!

Sugar expenditure! Most of all, I was surrounded by great and wondeful people, making the small moments a big tradition - reflecting the King of Kings.


  1. Sue, you are truly a gifted writer - you need to write a book! Your post is beautiful both in sight and words.

  2. Love you post Susan...Yes your insite and your total committment to family and love shines through this post! LOVE IT! Thanks for a wonderful day!
