Sunday, May 31, 2009

Destination: My Back Yard, Fla.

After being gone for a while, I knew that my yard and veggie garden would need tending. A few cherry tomatoes left, but new flowers coming out, I hope to get more of them before the heat of summer is upon us. I pull weeds that thought they had a new home and did some fertilizing. I use my kneeling bench which always causes me to think of God's goodness and I give thanks. I am especially thankful for my family and my group: SAWOGs'. We met last Friday nite at my sis-in-law Dianes' home. She has a garden too. All of us girls first steps are to the garden! I saw the tender care Diane took for this garden and the fruit it was showing. Just like Dianes' love for God, I saw her love in her garden. Most of the girls in my family had started a garden this year. As we tended to our gardens during the spring, I know God spoke in our hearts as we cultivated the Word of God to bring fruit in our lives. I can't wait for the fall to start a new garden! How about you?


  1. we are enjoying our garden as well this summer! tonight i used our fresh basil! It was divine! miss you guys! love your new blog updates.
